Thursday, July 9, 2009

Everyone knows about Barack Obama's veal habit

Anaheim White House Restaurant names their veal dish after Barack Obama

Barack Obama Veal
Scaloppini of veal sautéed in cognac

Corpse-munchers recognize, bond, and celebrate each other’s stumblings and know Ba‘al Zebûb Obama’s selfish desires well.

And their other dishes?

Michelle Obama Wild Salmon
Mushroom crusted salmon with Chardonnay

“Change We Can Believe In” Chicken
Chicken breast rolled & filled with ham & Mozzarella cheese

Let's not forget ... Ba‘al Zebûb's good corpse-munching buddy Thomas J. Perrelli of the American Veal Association who lives in Arlington, VA.

Thomas J. Perrelli personal relations: Barack Obama - Law School friend

Other current Thomas J. Perrelli relationships: Barack Obama Administration - Associate Attorney General

Harvard Law School - Graduate

U.S. Department of Justice - Associate Attorney General

Thomas J. Perrelli past relationships: 2008 Barack Obama Presidential Campaign - Fundraiser

Harvard Law Review - Managing Editor

Jenner and Block - Managing Partner

American Veal Association current relationships: Jenner and Block - Lobby Firm

Locke Lord Strategies - Lobby Firm

Hmmmmmm ...

"I don't take a dime of their [lobbyist] money, and when I am president, they won't find a job in my White House" Barack 'veal-munching robber-of-life' Obama

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1 comment:

  1. I had no idea eating murdered rape babies was a compulsion. Disgusting!
