While Japan desperately needs help, Obama is instead hard at work creating future terrorists in the world. The people of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya are not safe now that Obama thinks he is
President of the World.
In Pakistan, Obama is busy escalating tensions with drone attacks – a weak and cowardly way to wage a war against innocent elders who gather to meet about community issues. Shockingly, our Commander and Chief is carrying these attacks out against a country that has nuclear weapons and a fragile government.
In Afghanistan---growers and suppliers of 80% of the world’s opium used for making such drugs as Heroin, Morphine, Oxycontin, Vicoden, Codeine, and more---our “plate-is-full” robber-of-life is working late hours to get hard cash to Wall Street with a “trickle-up” strategy as the CIA has been caught twice with plane loads full of Heroin at LaGuardia Airport, New York directly en route from Afghanistan.
Can you say Military Industrial Pharmaceutical Complex?In Iraq, Obama is digging in deeper taking over land and resources while claiming the war is over.
And if that wasn’t enough, now our over-extended and morally corrupt gang of thugs under Obama has started another war. Once again there is no outcry from the vegan world. Instead the disillusioned prefer to cling to their
rose-colored glasses and claim
Obama is going vegan in Brazil.
The Truth: POTUS is on a mission to Brazil to firm-up “relations” with his corpse-munching associate, Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff by selling him F/A-18 Super Hornet jet fighters made by Boeing. One would think the press would be all over this one, but the Meatia only reports of the Obama family’s follies of soccer, dining, and sightseeing.
How tragic we are only concerned with trivial---often times untrue---events.The Truth: On March 20, 2011AD---while vegans were busy spreading their rumors of Obama going vegan---our corpse-munching warmonger ordered the mass-murder of innocent humans in Libya carried out by 15 U.S aircraft, including Marine Harrier jets deployed from an assault ship in the Mediterranean and three Air Force B-2 stealth bombers that flew the 25-hour journey from Whitman Air Force Base in Missouri---to the tune of more than $60,000,000 of U.S vegan tax payers' money---to drop 45 bombs each weighing 2,000 pounds, starting---yet another---war.
Obama is a corpse-munching psychopath---
who doesn't value life---leading us all to hell.
Doesn’t anyone else see Obama as he really is?