Illinois(105 ILCS 5/27-12)
Sec. 27-12. Character education. Every public school teacher shall teach character education, which includes the teaching of respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, trustworthiness, and citizenship, in order to raise pupils’ honesty, kindness, justice, discipline, respect for others, and moral courage for the purpose of lessening crime and raising the standard of good character.
(Source: P.A. 94-187, eff. 7-12-05.)
(105 ILCS 5/27-13.1)
Sec. 27-13.1. In every public school there shall be instruction, study and discussion of current problems and needs in the conservation of natural resources, including but not limited to air pollution, water pollution, waste reduction and recycling, the effects of excessive use of pesticides, preservation of wilderness areas, forest management, protection of wildlife and humane care of domestic animals.
(Source: P.A. 86-229.)
(105 ILCS 5/27-14)
Sec. 27-14. Experiments upon animals.
No experiment upon any living animal for the purpose of demonstration in any study shall be made in any public school. No animal provided by, or killed in the presence of any pupil of a public school shall be used for dissection in such school, and in no case shall dogs or cats be killed for such purposes. Dissection of dead animals, or parts thereof, shall be confined to the classroom and shall not be practiced in the presence of any pupil not engaged in the study to be illustrated thereby.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/27-15)
Sec. 27-15. Moral and humane education - In institute programs. The superintendent of each region and city shall include once each year moral and humane education in the program of the teachers’ institute which is held under his supervision.
(Source: P.A. 79-597.)
(105 ILCS 5/27-18)
Sec. 27-18. Arbor and bird day.
The Governor shall annually designate by official proclamation a day in the spring to be known as “Arbor and Bird Day,” to be observed throughout the State as a day for planting trees, shrubs and vines about public grounds, and as a day on which to hold appropriate exercises in the public schools and elsewhere tending to show the value of trees and birds and the necessity for their protection.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
"For example, schools can incorporate nutrition education into numerous daily classroom activities such as math, health, geography and science, by developing lesson plans involving fruits and vegetables" these things were really being taught in our schools, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now.
Why is there such silence/action on these issues? Because you can not expect to tell children to be respectful of all things and then turn around 5 minutes later at lunch time and serve them chopped up-animals. Too, the system is in place and most food directors are closed-minded apathetic ignorant corpse-munchers themselves. Food service directors (usually uneducated cooks, yet to teach Home Economics, Foods, Health, Science, … one needs a degree) are really ambassadors/representatives of the school teaching the children what the school thinks they should eat. And that they should not care about animals. And that milk is good for you.
Fearful of losing respect/control, in that vegan students would have higher moral ground than their corpse-munching teachers, schools hide veganism from children. How embarrassing. And the poor decision making gets support at all levels including the schools' administrations who view the USDA's National School Lunch Program as a money maker. Often lunch sales/profits (from small schools who profit $100,000 to larger districts who crank in millions every year) do not get put back into the lunch program; but, are instead diverted to other line-items within their budgets - a source of income and something to take personal and protect at all costs.
It is really all about money - not about children. Children are next to last on the list, right before animals at the very bottom.
"Not only at Fox River Grove Middle School but also in thousands of schools across the country, corporate agribusiness has run amok in the attempt to utilize public education as a place to establish the naturalization of commercial meat and dairy as lifelong eating habits, to generate increased sales, to subsidize the food industry against decreased producer prices, as well as to funnel below-health standards food not fit for public sale. Warwak was correct to demand the riddance of the Dairy Council’s posters as they had in fact already been targeted for removal from approximately 105,000 public schools by the Federal Trade Commission."
Richard Kahn PhD, University of North Dakota“I found it troubling and problematic that while Warwak was educating his students about the food that they eat and its effects on their health, the principal's main concern was not about the well-being of his students but that there would be a backlash against the school's lunch program” Aaron Finke
And lastly, superintendents and principals hide Humane Education from teachers, as do, state universities who are in charge of delivering truth in education when preparing future teachers. How embarrassing that Northern Illinois University neglects to embrace the state’s vision for our future by never mentioning Humane Education in their requisite course work for new teachers.