One embittered TPC thug even abandoned the animals to waste precious time vandalizing/blanking my Wiki page. Original page here.
How is deleting my writings helping the animals? I was able to retrieve this article I wrote for the TPC. And this one. And this, and this one.
Must have really struck a nerve. Everything was cool until I mentioned nonviolent creative solutions instead of bashing others within our own movement. Seems that is one bridge the TPC is not interested in. Such nonsense will not be tolerated by the Nazi censorship state. Step in line, repeat ... I am not very creative. I have been honest with children and tried everything else to the best of my abilities but nothing works. I must be violent like my peers because violence always works. Violence sets a great example for children and they will grow-up peaceful. Violence is vegan. I will change the world with violence ... I am not very creative. I have been honest with children and tried everything else to the best of my abilities but nothing works. I must be violent like my peers because violence always works. Violence sets a great example for children and they will grow-up peaceful. Violence is vegan. I will change the world with violence ... I am not very creative. I have been honest with children and tried everything else to the best of my abilities but nothing works. I must be violent like my peers because violence always works. Violence sets a great example for children and they will grow-up peaceful. Violence is vegan. I will change the world with violence ...
This from TPC:
"I’m sorry, Dave, but I believe a parting of the ways is in order here. I’m asking you to resign from TPC’s editorial collective. It would be in the best interests of you and the rest of us. Steve [Steven Best, University of Texas at El Paso - aka: Rev. O'Lution], being my mentor and close ally, and hence my chief advisor in the context of TPC, agreed that this is what needs to happen. We wish you no ill will and want the break to be as amicable as possible. Best regards, Jason"http://thomaspainescorner.wordpress.com/?s=warwak
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" Gandhi
wow. that whole collective stinks dave, surprised you didn't figure this out sooner.
ReplyDeleteI will gladly read your words here Dave Warwack. I feel safe-no one snarling at me because I don't go forth as saboteur. Veejayblox glad to see ya and Ahisma.
ReplyDeleteDo you know how many animals are killed by wheat threshers? Quite a few, actually. I see it all the time out here: dead field mice, rodents, insects, and various other animals, slaughtered by the automated, bladed thresher machinery.
ReplyDeleteBut what makes animals so much more important that the other kingdoms in the tree of life? Sentience? That's arguable, but essentially arbitrary. I say that chloroplast, and not sentience, should be the determining factor. After all, chloroplast is far more quantifiable than sentience, so it could be considered less arbitrary.
Anyway, I feel like eating a cheeseburger today. A beef patty, with real cheddar cheese. I will wash down this tasty burger with a pint of raw pigs blood, and I will wipe my greasy face with a napkin made from peacock feathers.
Afterward, I will take a nap on my soft down comforter while wearing my genuine leather trenchcoat. Yes, I sleep in a leather trenchcoat.
ReplyDeletethat "how many dead mouses in a wheelbarrow" schtick is *beyond* ridiculous.. and scientifically invalid.
have you not an original thought in yer head man? prolly not...
anonymous you sound like a dull minded bigotted speciesist/apologist drone, spewing the usual idiotic and abritrary nonsense.
get a new script.
Here we go again!
ReplyDeleteI have my vegan breakfast of organic oatmeal and I like a little vegan margarine on it. I feed my vegan cats vegan kibble-the peacocks like that as well but they do well nibbling on all manner of green, wild birdseed and so on... Snacks of raw almonds and apples I grow. Lunch and dinner a selection of rices, pastas, soups, beans, whole grain breads and fresh produce...whatever may be ready for the picking in the garden-tonight it will be baked eggplant in olive oil. You get the picture.
ReplyDeleteWhen the heat is gone from this Death Valley region I take my bike out for a spin or I hike in the canyons of Death Valley. Now there is peace of mind. I can hardly wait.
Sometimes go days without speaking to another human being-my work is solitary so that helps. I don't watch TV read newspapers or listen to the radio. Come on the internet as an aside from my word processor where I do some writing.
Annonymous you are missing so much fun! You are missing elegance!
mucho yum Rebecca. i would *love* to hike in Death Valley, and i hear that rock climbing at Joshua Tree National Park is the only way to fly. been on my to do list for awhile.
ReplyDeleteWell... come on out to Death Valley veejayblox it is a wonderland. I've never been rock climbing myself but I walk up the high trails of the foothill surrounds. Joshua Tree is spectacular as well and I am right at home with the high desert biome.
ReplyDeleteI have a few things I'd like to say...If you're trying to get out the "Vegan Is The Only Way To Go" message, then why have such hateful terms? I noticed that you call milk drinkers "pus chuggers". You do know that milk goes through tons of processes to clean it before it's drinkable, right? Or do you think that milk goes straight from the udder to the bottle?
ReplyDeleteYou have such hateful terms, it's no wonder you were kicked and banned from so many sites.
I happen to love meat and will continue to eat meat for the rest of my life. Humans are meat eaters; always have been, always will be.
If you don't want to eat meat, then fine. That's your choice, and noone can make you change it. But harassing children and adults with hateful and misinformed messages is wrong. You made the choice to be vegan, why can't others make the choice themselves? Noone HAS to be vegan and noone HAS to listen to your message and agree with every word you say. Kids need milk, as well as meat and other vital nutrients not found in veggies, fruits or pill form, in order to grow properly. My brothers and I all drank milk and ate meat when we were little and we have no deficiencies at all, save for the lactose intolerance that runs in both sides of my parents families. But we continue to eat dairy products, and my brothers drink milk and eat ice cream and all that good stuff.
I also happen to LOVE cheddar cheese on my salads or in just cube form. It's a little addiction I have.
But I'm not here to say you're wrong. You've chosen the vegan lifestyle, and it's a good lifestyle as long as you take the vitamins that your missing from meat, and keep healthy.
I love eggs, dairy products, and meat, and no matter how much you or any other vegan or vegetarian tries, I won't change. I've dealt with PETA and vegans before, and it always sounds the same, "You're disgusting and hateful because you eat meat and eat cheese and eggs. You hate animals! You either be vegan/vegetarian or you're just a useless body that shouldn't be here" and so on and so forth.
But please, if you want others to join you in your cause, at least use better names. Names like "Corpse Eater" and "pus chugger" and, this one makes no sense, "menstrual slurper" make you look spiteful; like you don't care how demeaning those terms are to people who choose to eat and drink what they want. And it also makes you look stupid, especially when you say milk contains pus or that chicken eggs contain menstrual blood or what-not. Chickens don't have menstrual cycles.
Well, that was my two cents. Oh, I've also noticed that every vegan I have met is extremely weak and a little pale. Meh, just a coincidence, meat is only harmful to the bodies, right?
"I happen to love meat and will continue to eat meat for the rest of my life. Humans are meat eaters; always have been, always will be. " Excuse me, what planet are you from again? Last time I checked we were designed like herbivores, not carnivores. You might want to look into the anatomy of eating by dr. Milton Mills and read The China Study.
Delete"it's a good lifestyle as long as you take the vitamins that your missing from meat, and keep healthy. " Meat doesn't grow vitamins. If you knew biology you would know that animals get their vitamins from plants just like we do when we cut the middle cow.
Delete"I've also noticed that every vegan I have met is extremely weak and a little pale. Meh, just a coincidence, meat is only harmful to the bodies, right?" Strange, all the vegans I met were very healthy and thriving whereas all the meat eaters I met (which is the other 98% of the population) is either overweight or obese.
DeleteHey Warwak,
ReplyDeleteI didn't always agree with you on TPC, but was absolutely shocked to see you and every last one of your words erased. BIZARRE.
Your transcripts of the hearings you participated in were so compelling - some of the most powerful and easily digested (relatable) words to be posted on TPC. Pity...
The last things I saw you post were disagreements with Camille, which were a little enlightening and I kind of applauded in my mouth a little bit.
Well, you are better rid of the verbose intellectualising (mostly dumbing down) prevalent on that site. You are a man of action and I think the paradigm of TPC doesn't suit you, in all honesty. It was only the posts you comment on that had the greatest amount of responses, anyway...
good points poetshound. something very strange about the goings ons at TPC. no need to erase all of warwaks posts and comments, hints at something very fantastic going on underneath.
ReplyDelete@ anonymous
i have no problem with warwaks language, tilt or message. there is no need to use "better names" to mask the sadistic unbelievable cruelty involved with eating animals.
"You have such hateful terms, it's no wonder you were kicked and banned from so many sites."
wrong. & BFD. far too many "vegan" sites are wimpified, the maintainers of those sites are control freaks/verbose sissys and not very resourceful at all. they are an eyesore.
Why are you so bitter, Annonymous? No one is trying to force feed you the Vegan diet. It is you who are misinformed. Feeling guilty, Missy? People who rant in self-defense usually are. I love those names-pus-chuggars...corpse-munchers...menstrual-slurpers...robber-of-life and blood-suckers. Go ahead-see if I care...have your dairy and meat stuff your face with ice-cream lick your chops... Have second helpings...thirds and fourths...ya get the picture?
ReplyDeleteHail the Human Empire, may its grandeur be eternal. Burn the Natural, Eat the Animal, Purge the Alien. May all existance drown in the blood we shed.
ReplyDeleteWe are Anonymous. We are Legion. We are watching.
what you suggest is strangely unpoetic, unconscionable and completely inhumane. no the human race is not some idle sacrifice, don't know what to tell you.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous is a troll with a god complex.
ReplyDeleteI am a proud vegan and live in Santa Monica where there is a lot of people like us. You meet eaters are heaters and are think you are above everybody. It's time to start a jihad and fight for the freedom and life of our fellow animals. I had the good fortune of meeting Dave Warwak in Venice, and I tell you he is a true martyr. I support him on his plan to create mayhem in the business that profit from animal misery.