WTF? Where's the outrage? Where's Trent's humanity? Where's our humanity for allowing his corpse-munching horse-shit?
The evil corpse-muncher's web site is here: http://www.facesofag.com/
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common good, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish veganism for the United States of America
Even Barack "nothing that I will do" Obama commented on the Agriprocessor's ethical black hole on a campaign stop in Davenport, IA, remarking, "They have kids in there wielding buzz saws and cleavers. It's ridiculous."
read more ...
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it" Einstein
Trent has no humanity. His soul is black. And there's ice in his veins.
ReplyDeleteFYI - A law suit was just filed in New Jersey suing for warning labels:
These red shirts are sickening.
Trent should shoot himself in the head!
ReplyDeleteThis is the third or fourth day that I can't paste anything in your comments, so I'll type the url, but on YouTube he's got a 41-second video: Spinach versus cured meats
An opportunity like this only comes around once in a lifetime- you have the equivalent of gobbels within your reach....
ReplyDeleteHe should be baited with a nice juicy piece of ass and then exposed with dick in hand.
Excusse my crude down to earth 'sarah palin' country speak....it suits the decorum
"A confusing and topsy turvy article promoting 'so-called' health benefits of eating the preservatives in hotdogs and cured meats has recently been published in the weekly newspaper for agribusiness: Feedstuffs. The author, Trent Loos, begins by announcing that "a growing body of medical evidence suggests that dietary nitrates and nitrites, like those commonly found in hot dogs and other cured meats, are vital to the prevention and treatment of heart disease".
ReplyDelete"He tells us about the work of the medical researcher at the University of Texas, Dr Nathan Bryan. He and his team at the Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, have been working "to determine the importance of dietary nitrite and nitrate consumption as a means to prevent and treat cardiovascular and other diseases associated with nitric oxide insufficiency in the diet"...
"A good 'rule of thumb' that can be generally used as a guide to whether something is good for us of not, is to think back to the diet of our ancestors. Humans didn’t evolve with hot dogs, and obviously didn’t suffer from hot dog deficiency diseases!"