I give these cards to all ages. Just hand it to corpse-munchers at checkouts or walking by anyone wherever you are. Don't say anything, just hand it to them and walk away.
Go out at night and leave cards in/on playground equipment where children play.
Leave them in gumball machines where the prize/candy comes out.
You can get 1000 business cards (print this page and bring it to your local printer) for about $20.00
I feel good when I speak the truth. I feel bad when I am silent. That is my religion.
Vegan Teacher Takes Lessons to The Streets
By Judyth PiazzaWilliams Bay, WI - Dave Warwak received a strong warning today from his hometown police.
The warning came in response to complaints from parents and teachers who were in attendance at the town's annual homecoming parade.
Accompanied by his dog, Warwak allegedly entered the parade and passed out small cards to children.
Police stopped Warwak, escorted him home and instructed him to "stay away from the town's children"
At particular issue with police was Warwak telling children, Santa Claus is not real.
The card’s front reads;
Remember the Santa Claus lie?
One lie is so bad, some people prefer to keep it hidden.
So hidden, some never find out!
Do you want to live a lie?
The back reads;
Go to your favorite search engine.
Look-up "Factory Farming" Look-up "Vegan"
"Naming a rock a banana does not make it food"
A teacher of ten years in Illinois, Warwak was recently fired for his vegan views. Warwak filed an appeal in response to his termination. No date has been set.
http://newsblaze.com/story/20071014124036tsop.nb/topstory.htmlAnd this recommendation from the NorthWest Herald's paid staff:Beese: Some local reprimands would be in orderThe vegan art teacher: Although the Fox River Grove District 3 school board already surpassed reprimand by firing art teacher Dave Warwak, he seems far better suited to do public relations for PETA than to be in front of a classroom of children. When you show up at a community event, as he did last week at the annual homecoming parade in Williams Bay, Wis., and hand out cards to children linking “the Santa Claus lie” to factory farming, you should be reprimanded by every parent, teacher and logical thinker in the region (one of those categories I actually meet). His actions were just plain wrong.
His argument is a debate to take to school boards or to people on college campuses, not young, impressionable minds simply looking for candy and other handouts at a parade.
http://www.nwherald.com/columnists/columns/2007/10/22/news/columnists/doc4715db4870389877340753.txtHmmmm ... taking the debate to school boards? I guess the NorthWest Herald's paid staff writers don't read their own rag.
D-3 fires vegan teacher
By JOCELYN ALLISONFOX RIVER GROVE – A District 3 art teacher who school officials said turned his classroom into a forum on veganism and animal rights and then told students to keep it a secret has been fired.
School board members voted, 7-0, to dismiss Dave Warwak from his position as an art instructor at Fox River Grove Middle School on Monday night after a 90-minute closed session.
The board cited three reasons for Warwak’s dismissal, saying that he began teaching veganism and animal rights instead of art without telling school officials or parents, told students to keep it secret and then refused to answer school officials’ questions about what he was teaching.
“This isn’t about whether veganism is good or bad,” board vice president Steve Knar said in a statement released after the vote. “It’s about the right of the district to be informed about the instruction taking place in the classroom and its ability to control the curriculum.”
Warwak, 44, of Williams Bay, Wis., was removed from the classroom Sept. 5 and suspended with pay after distributing literature to students on the benefits of a no-meat diet and animal cruelty in food production. He claimed publicly that his efforts were an attempt to teach students a respect for life and fell under the category of character education.
A former fishing guide who turned vegan in January, Warwak told board members before meeting with them in closed session Monday that the district was neglecting its duties to teach humane education and was hurting the environment.
“Why don’t you show some responsibility to the planet?” he said, raising his voice. “You say it’s my personal choice, it’s not a personal choice when you’re ruining my planet and you’re eating my friends.”
Warwak handed out cards to board members that he has been distributing to children encouraging them to look up “factory farming” and “vegan” on the Internet. The front of the card reads: “Want to know a secret only a few people know?”Warwak told board members in a brief, impassioned statement that children eventually would learn the truth and that the more the district tried to silence him, the louder he would become.
“The jig is up,” he said. “Factory farming is over.”
Board President Pat Hughes later stated that Warwak shouldn’t have turned his classroom into a “zone of indoctrination.”
“This is a democracy and other people have a say over the curriculum,” he said. “Mr. Warwak shouldn’t be allowed to impose his personal views on a captive audience.”
Officials said Warwak’s comments to his students weren’t casual references to veganism and animal rights, but rather entire class sessions devoted to “preaching to fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth graders that eating meat, milk and animal products was bad and that following a vegan lifestyle was good.”
The board claimed that Warwak told students that they would live 10 years longer if they became vegans and had students read aloud from books advocating veganism.
A handful of parents who attended the meeting expressed support for the board, saying Warwak had crossed the line and that the classroom was not the place for his message.
Steve Beyer, 47, whose 13-year-old son was in Warwak’s class, questioned the teacher’s mental stability and said his efforts would have been more appropriate for a table discussion at a festival.
“When he has these kids in his class and they can’t walk out – even if they wanted to walk out because they disagree with him – they can’t because he’s their teacher,” Beyer said. “That’s wrong.”
http://www.nwherald.com/articles/2007/10/01/news/local/doc46f8ba0c3b54d848067682.txtI guess when the board of education doesn't want to discuss their crimes against humanity, one is forced to take it to the streets.