I am getting many messages of love wondering what happened to me.
“Where did Dave go?”
People who know me understand I always try to be my best---and to be a nice man in everything I do---and that I especially watch out for others - often at the expense of my own livelihood.
Never one to keep secrets---as some suggest I have done---I feel compelled to be honest with my friends - no matter how ugly the truth may be.
I went for a walk and was 'jumped' in the park near my house by three hooded men who held me down and kicked me in the ribs. The bullies mashed my face in dog shit and told me to stay away from Fox River Grove. “Stay away from our children!” is nailed in my mind. One of the hooded men, had a voice I recognized as FRG School District 3 Board of Education, Steve Knar.
Of course they didn’t silence me. I refuse to help evil people hide loving truth from trusting, impressionable children. I still walk in the park despite hooded demons hiding behind the hills and trees.
The Williams Bay police department watched me closely---to protect my safety---when I went out on my walks.
I go walking through the woods near my house and use an old plastic spray bottle---filled with urine---to spread human scent in hopes of scaring-off deer that might be passing through the Kishwauketoe bow-and-arrow hunting "Nature Conservancy." One day, I happened across a bully in a camouflage tent who was waiting for a buck to cross the field. I didn’t notice the demon's evil trap until I was within several feet of him.
Startled, I asked, “What are you doing?” (I know - stupid question.)
He answered, “Waiting for the sun to set, when deer cross the field - then I can shoot em.”
I asked, “Is that legal?” (I know - another stupid question.)
And with his fully-cocked razor-tipped tri-blade arrow aimed directly at me, he answered, “Yes.”
Dumbfounded, I left the woods speechless.
The police no longer watch me to protect my safety. They still watch me, but now, they watch me because I am an Animal Rights activist.
We may never know for sure who damaged that hunter’s car, but since I am the only animal rights activist the police know of, they felt obligated to inform me, “I never even heard of a vegan until I learned of you. You are suspect number one.”
Of course I still walk in the woods despite armed murderous demons hiding in the bush who wish me ill will.
I have had many death threats since becoming a vocal vegan. I let these bullies know, the more they try to silence me, the louder I will get. And so it goes … the louder I get, the more they wish me dead. They say, “Dave must die.”
It is quite ironic that I say, “Go vegan or die!” now that I am the one on the chopping-block.
I have nightmares and even had a lucid 10 second vision of my death. In my vision, I am shot in the chest while walking in a busy city. The bullet piercing my heart felt so good.
And in May, for the 3rd year now, Pamela Rice has scheduled me to speak at the Veggie Pride Parade in Greenwich Village, New York.
Of course I will be there walking and speaking in the big city. I live for the VPP. There is no greater joy than publically standing-up against evil.
And so you may ask, “What happened to Dave?”
Just know this, if you never hear from me again - I loved you and had no other business in this world.
I tried my best to be a good man. I wanted to protect my friends from evil. Not much changed.
I had a Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in Art Education and a Master of Arts in the Studio Art of Painting with 10 years experience teaching K-12 Art in public schools. I loved teaching. I was a good teacher. I loved my students enough to be honest with them. Schools no longer wish to employ my skills.
I was an Artist. Not many bought my paintings.
I was a writer. Not many bought my book.
I said all I had to say. Not many heard me.
I have no more business in this world.
Dave must die and it will feel so good.